Ajay Gupta

Nov 3, 20222 min

“YES, Your Home Needs a New Floor Fitting”- How to Tell That!

So, you think it’s time to get a new floor fitting in your home, but not sure because London is an expensive city? However, you could be right, especially when the old flooring has turned a few decades already and your house has super-high foot traffic. And if truth be told, your long wait can cost you more for replacements and repairs than now since the expenses of materials for floor fitting in London are increasing rapidly.

So, we suggest if you think it’s time, go ahead! Still, while doubting your decision, read our advice here!

Signs to Ensure Your Home Requires New Floor Fitting

Replacing your old wooden floors quickly is essential. Otherwise, you may have to invest more than you have estimated for floor fitting. But if you are unsure whether you are right about calling our handyman for the job now, look for these signs we have jotted down here to ensure:

Sign #1: Not Every Piece Fit Properly!

It’s quite common ceramic, wood, and tile flooring. If you take a close look, you may not find all the pieces fit together properly, especially after a few decades. It can happen because of huge foot traffic and even heat or water damage for years, which makes the floors wrapped. Of course, it’s just not about appearance, but an ill floor fitting can make you slip or fall if any pieces pop out there. So, a new floor fitting is necessary!

Sign #2: Oops! The Visible Damage!

Is that a crack on your floor, or have you found any loose board there? Don’t ignore it whenever you see such damage! And yes, it’s a sign that it’s time for a new floor fitting. After all, the concern is just not the bad appeal! Also, a damaged floor can cause a small fall or trip that can even lead to major injury sometimes.

Sign #3: These Stains? They’re Never Gonna Go!

Spills and water damage are nothing new in the home. But it can leave long-term stains on your elegant wooden floor that don't look great! Heavy foot traffic can also cause the same. No matter how often you deep clean them or how hard you try, the stains stay! Yet, you are right about looking for experts for a new floor fitting in London. Your home will look and feel fresh, which you may have never had with your existing floors.

Sign #4: Oh God, This Mould!

Maybe London is a clean city, but you can’t deny the dull and cold climate all year. In fact, you may enjoy the climate, but your wooden floors don't! This constant cold climate can cause mould growth, or even bacteria and pests can creep into the floor cracks. That’s why such problems start lurking below the floor surface after a few decades. And when you see them, have a new floor fitting!

In Conclusion

If you are ready to get a new floor, don’t try DIY! Instead, we suggest hiring our handyman for any floor fitting in London. Keep reading our other blogs and stay connected!
